Story Time: The Hall Family

Photo Credit: Mason Beuhring

Photo Credit: Mason Beuhring

Generational philanthropy is an incredible way to ensure a family’s story continues on forever. For Larry, Nancy, and Chris Hall, the Foundation’s 1788 Legacy Society provided an opportune method to give back to a community that has given them so much.

“An old Salvation Army saying from the 1950s is ‘Sharing is Caring,’” said Larry. “This has rung true through our family. The Foundation’s Legacy Society is a wonderful way to be prudent in your gifting and invest in specific causes that affect our local well-being. Focusing on long term goals is ingrained in our family culture. The Foundation has the same ‘modus operandi’ for our community… We like that!”

“Marietta has been good to us,” said Nancy, “and we feel like we need to give back to our community.”

“The Foundation has earned the trust and respect of our family through the hard work that they have put in,” said Chris. “It just made a lot of sense to include the Foundation in our final wishes and our legacy planning.”

No matter what stage of life an individual is in, the Foundation makes giving back easy. Whether you are just starting your philanthropic journey or preparing for its end, the Foundation will help you impact Washington County for generations to come!

Mason Beuhring

Mason Beuhring served Marietta Community Foundation as Communications & Program Services Director from 2018 to 2021.


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