Washington County Hardship & Disaster Relief Program
At Marietta Community Foundation, we believe in supporting neighbors during challenging times.
Our program is designed to offer one-time emergency assistance to Washington County residents facing unforeseen emergencies or natural disasters. We are here to lend a helping hand when unexpected hardships strike, providing support that goes beyond governmental assistance.
Who We Are
Marietta Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to extending support and critical relief to our community members. Unlike a governmental agency, we operate with the support of good-natured individuals like you, who believe in the power of neighbors helping neighbors during challenging times.
As a nonprofit, our mission is driven by the generosity of community members who contribute to our cause. All contributions directly impact the lives of those facing unforeseen challenges, making it possible for us to provide timely and meaningful assistance.
By choosing to support Marietta Community Foundation, you become an integral part of a community-driven effort to uplift and empower those in need. Together, we make a difference, ensuring that our neighbors receive the support and relief they deserve. Thank you for being a vital part of our community initiative!
How We Can Help
At Marietta Community Foundation, our commitment is to provide a helping hand during unexpected and unavoidable emergencies. Whether it's the aftermath of a natural disaster, a sudden medical crisis, or a personal hardship, we are here for you.
Additionally, our support extends to the youth in our community, helping with extracurricular activity fees and covering educational expenses separate from scholarships (excluding tuition and room/board).
It's important to note that we’re only able to provide assistance by collaborating with other agencies. Marietta Community Foundation will never provide financial assistance directly to the applicant.
Before You Apply
We are here to help when other better-suited organizations are unable to assist.
To avoid being referred elsewhere, please contact these organizations first:
Buckeye Hills Aging & Disability Resources: Long-term care for older adults and people with disabilities
Caring Connection: Disconnect notices and deposits for electric, gas, and water; prescriptions
Food Assistance Agencies: Food pantries, community meal programs
Marietta/Belpre Health Department: Child safety, emergency preparedness, nursing programs, rental housing inspections, emergency disaster response team
MOV Gift of Life: Organ donation/transplants. (Download & return the form to Marietta Community Foundation)
Salvation Army: Shelter, emergency food pantry, clothing room, utility assistance, disaster relief, youth programs
St. Vincent De Paul Society: Rent, utilities, clothing, food, disaster relief, job training and placement, medical services
Social Security Administration: Retirement, disability, SSI, Medicare
Southeastern Ohio Legal Services: Legal assistance for consumer issues, school problems, domestic violence situations, family law problems, health benefits issues, housing issues, public benefits issues, taxes, utility issues, and employment issues.
Washington County Behavioral Health Board: Mental health, drug and alcohol addiction
Washington County Family & Children First: Car seat fittings, programs for parents and children
Washington County Health Department: Vaccinations, birth, and death records, inspections, healthy eating, and active living
Washington County Job & Family Services: State public assistance, employment services, unemployment insurance, child and adult protective services, adoption, child care, and child support program
Washington County Veteran Services: Basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing, and essentials; transportation to and from VA medical institutions, assistance with VA administrative claims
Washington/Morgan County Community Action: Head Start/Early Start, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Office, family assistance, heating/cooling assistance, housing services, senior services, public transportation, Community Services Block Grant
View additional local resources by downloading The Basic Needs Resource Guide (PDF).
Developed as part of the Washington County Homeless Project, this guide serves as a directory for emergency assistance and immediate needs for Washington County residents (including some Parkersburg services). This guide is free and provided by The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).
Applicants must be current Washington County residents.
Assistance is limited to one grant per household within a 12-month period.
Before a household is considered for another grant, they must attend a financial workshop held by Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Mid-Ohio Valley.
Assistance is limited to those facing financial need due to specific unexpected and unavoidable emergencies, hardships that can be documented, extracurricular activity fees for youth, and limited educational expenses. While all hardships are unfortunate, requests outside of program guidelines cannot be approved. Contact hardship@mcfohio.org for more details.
Employees, volunteers, contractors, and those affiliated with Marietta Community Foundation are not eligible.
Apply for Hardship & Disaster Relief
Processing time: 7-14 days
Applications are accepted year-round and evaluated every 1-2 weeks. Delays occasionally occur, but can usually be avoided by submitting as much detailed and accurate information as possible.
Next Steps
Submit documentation
Documentation is crucial to confirm your financial need and expenses. Please submit the following to hardship@mcfohio.org:
Documentation of the anticipated expense (e.g., bills, registration forms, invoices).
Documentation of the event causing financial hardship (if applicable).
Wait for a response
We will contact you via email to keep you updated on the status of your application. While we strive to be helpful, we cannot guarantee emergency/rapid funding.
To ensure a timely response, please avoid calling or visiting our office. Processing takes 1-2 weeks.
To speed up the process, ensure that you meet all criteria, provide as much detail as possible, and submit all required documentation as soon as possible.
Email us about any changes/updates
If any information changes after submitting your application, email hardship@mcfohio.org as soon as possible.