Don’t just wish for a better community.
Create it.
Giving Methods That Match Your Goals
There are several ways you can make a gift to a fund or program of your choice. Click on the sections for more information and instructions.
Checks must be made payable to Marietta Community Foundation or MCF.
Indicate the designation of your gift in the memo or attach a note.
If your gift is in honor or memory of someone, please indicate the honoree in the memo.
Mail your gift to:
Marietta Community Foundation
Attn: Heather Allender
PO Box 77
Marietta, OH 45750Deliver your gift to:
Marietta Community Foundation
100 Putnam Street
Marietta, OH 45750 -
Conveniently contribute using your credit card. Securely process your donation online, supporting our initiatives with ease and speed.
Ensure continuous support by setting up an automatic recurring donation. Choose your preferred frequency—monthly, quarterly, or annually—to support your favorite cause effortlessly and reliably.
Did you know many employers will match or even triple your donation to Marietta Community Foundation? Some employers will even match gifts from spouses and retirees.
Contact your Human Resources department to check and initiate.
Gifts of appreciated securities (such as stock, bonds, and mutual funds) can be used to establish a fund or add to an existing fund.
To make a gift via electronic funds transfer or gift securities, please contact foundation staff at 740-373-3286.
Naming Marietta Community Foundation in your will or trust means you can support your favorite causes and benefit the community in the future.
Leave a specific dollar amount, percentage of your estate, or what remains after other bequests have been satisfied.
Create a named fund or give to an existing Marietta Community Foundation fund
Bequests to the Foundation qualify for a charitable deduction for the full donation so your heirs will not pay estate tax on these assets.
Giving through a charitable remainder trust allows you to receive income for the life of the trust, with the remainder going to your community.
It is a trust that pays either a fixed or variable income to you or your named beneficiaries for life or for a fixed term not exceeding 20 years, or a combination of the two.
When the trust term expires, the remaining assets in the trust pass to Marietta Community Foundation to establish a fund or add to an existing fund at the Foundation.
You receive a tax deduction for the present value of the gift the year the trust is funded.
A charitable lead trust (CLT) enables you to make a significant charitable gift now while transferring substantial assets to beneficiaries later.
A trust is set up from which Marietta Community Foundation receives annual payments throughout your lifetime for a specific number of years.
The distributions go to your fund at the Foundation and then to the charities you specify.
When the trust terminates, the remaining principal is returned to you or, more typically, your children or other loved ones at reduced tax cost or tax-free.
Having assets in your IRA or other qualified retirement plans name Marietta Community Foundation is a simple and effective way to benefit the community while avoiding significant, often unanticipated taxes.
You can designate that after your death, assets remaining in the plan are to be contributed to a named fund at the Foundation.
For those whose need for life insurance has decreased, making a gift of an unneeded policy can be a convenient and effective way of meeting your charitable goals.
Transferring ownership of a cash value policy to Marietta Community Foundation makes you eligible for a charitable tax deduction based on its current value. You also reduce estate taxes, since the value of the policy is removed from your estate.
Gifts of real estate include a gift of a house or other personal residence, farm, commercial building, and income-producing or non-income-producing land.
This type of gift must be evaluated by the Foundation before being accepted. Please contact foundation staff at 740-373-3286.
Make an Impact Today
Make an Impact Today
350+ Funds Created for Good
A wide variety of giving options are available to suit the desires of any donor. Each of our funds is unique in its focus, but they all work toward the same goal… a greater Washington County.
You don't need to be a fundholder to contribute. By pooling your charitable donations with other like-minded individuals, you amplify your impact. Browse our list of current funds to find one that resonates with you or let us guide you in selecting an existing fund that matches your philanthropic passions and goals.
Friends of the Foundation Fund
Robert E. Kirkbride Board of Governors Endowment Fund
For many nonprofit organizations, an Agency fund equals stability. Our pooled structure provides access to lower investment fees and our services are provided free of charge. We can accept even the most complex gifts and handle the acknowledgment process.
4-H of Washington County Youth Fund
Armory Square Fund
Arthur & Paul Daniels' Fund
Bauer Aquatic Center Fund
Betsey Mills Club Legacy Fund
Beverly/Waterford Community Swimming Pool Fund
Beverly-Waterford Muskingum Valley Development and Revitalization Fund
Broughton Wildlife and Education Area Fund
Buell Park Perpetual Care Fund
Building Bridges to Careers Fund
Campus Martius Museum Project Fund
Caring Connection Fund
Children's Toy & Doll Museum Fund
Civil War Roundtable of the Mid-Ohio Valley Fund
Compassionate Animal Resources for the Elderly Fund
Devola Multi-Use Trail Maintenance Fund
Economic Roundtable of the Ohio Valley Trust
Edward Parrish Chapter of Colonial Dames XVII Century Fund
Elizabeth Sugden Broughton Community Building Fund
Ely Chapman Education Foundation Fund
Enrich Marietta Fund
First Unitarian Universalist Development Association Fund- Ting
First Unitarian Universalist Fund
Friends of the Joseph Barker Jr. House Fund
Friends of the Lower Muskingum River
Friends of the Museums Endowment Fund
Friends of the O'Neill Senior Center
Friends of the Washington County Public Library
Friends of WASCO Fund
George & Katherine Hayward Fund for Caring Connection
Gold Star Family Memorial Monument Park Maintenance Fund
Gospel Mission Food Pantry Fund
Greater Marietta Community Food Pantry Fund
Habitat for Humanity of the Mid-Ohio Valley Fund
Harmar Rowing Club Foundation
Hervida 4-H Camp Endowment Fund
Historic Harmar Bridge Company 'Save the Bridge' Fund
HSOV APS Animal Assistance Fund
Humane Society of the Ohio Valley Foundation
Humane Society of the Ohio Valley Legacy Society Fund
Humane Society of the Ohio Valley New Building and Renovations Fund
James and Genevieve Schafer Testamentary Trust for the Benefit of the Humane Society of the Ohio Valley
James-Fisher Park Fund
Marietta Band Boosters Fund
Marietta Elks #477 Charity Fund
Marietta Family YMCA Endowment Fund
Marietta Family YMCA Facilities Fund
Marietta Franciscan Community Meals
Marietta High School Alumni Foundation Fund
Marietta High School Athletic Hall of Fame Fund
Marietta Main Street Fund
Marietta Natural History Society Fund
Marietta Rowing & Cycling Club Fund
Marietta Tiger Athletic Boosters Fund
Mary "June" Shelene Memorial Fund (for the benefit of Consumer Credit Counseling of the Mid-Ohio Valley)
Mid-Ohio Valley Players Fund
MOV Gift of Life Fund
National Society of Arts & Letters, Ohio River Valley Chapter
Newport Community Food Pantry Fund
Ohio Valley River Museum Fund
O'Neill Senior Center Endowment Fund
O'Neill Senior Center Fund
Peoples Bank Theatre Fund
Right Path for Washington County Foundation
Riverfront Library Association Endowment Fund
Riverfront Library Association Endowment Fund (2)
Southeastern Ohio Port Authority Community Development Fund
Southeastern Ohio Port Authority Fund
Southeastern Ohio Port Authority Innovation Fund
Start Westward Monument/East Muskingum Park Restoration Committee Fund
Survivor's Assistance Loan Fund of Eve, Inc.
The Castle Legacy Fund
United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley Fund
Veritas Classical Academy Foundation Fund
Veritas Classical Academy Math & Science Department Fund
Washington County 4-H Endowment Committee Fund
Washington County Career Center K9 Fund
Washington County Fairgrounds Playground Campaign Fund
Washington County Harvest of Hope
Washington County Historical Society Fund for the Benefit of Mound Cemetery
Washington County Historical Society of Ohio
Washington County Homeless Resource Center Fund
Washington County Sheriff's Department K9 Fund
Washington County Womans Home Fund
Williamstown Strings Boosters Fund
A Designated Fund is an ideal choice when you want to support one or more of your favorite nonprofits in perpetuity. Once you designate a charity, we automatically issue the grant check each year. When you endow your designated fund, your giving will provide a lasting legacy to sustain the nonprofits you select. Should any of your designated nonprofits cease to exist or change its mission, the Community Foundation will ensure that the funds are redirected to a similar organization that meets your charitable intent.
Agribusiness Planning Analysis Fund
American Flags & Poles Charitable Fund
Anonymous Charitable Lead Trust
Arthur & Jeanne Edwards Charitable Fund
Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption Building Maintenance Fund
Bill Thompson Youth Birding Trust
Carl L. Broughton Boathouse Endowment Fund
Charles & Marian Kurner Charitable Fund
Charlotte Sue Fischer Memorial Fund for Greater Marietta Community Food Pantry
Child & Senior Food Insecurity Fund
Cynthia Summers Fund for the Boys & Girls Club of Washington County
David & Gisela Pfaff Family Charitable Fund
Dyar Endowment Fund
Eirik A. T. Blom Memorial Fund
First Unitarian Universalist Society "Funding Our Values" Fund
Fort Frye High School Academic Opportunity Fund
Gertrude Bigelow Baker Memorial Fund
Glen A. & Helen J. Imhoff Foundation Fund
Humane Society of the Ohio Valley Capital Improvements and Maintenance Fund
Humane Society of the Ohio Valley Medical Fund
Jack Louis Iams Fund
Jane H. Case Memorial Fund for the Betsey Mills Club
Jane H. Case Memorial Fund for the Devola Volunteer Fire Department
Jane H. Case Memorial Fund for the Marietta High School Crew teams
Jean G. Graham Endowment Fund
Ken & Mary Owen Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Kroger Wetland Fund
Louise E. Holmes Community Fund
Marlene B. Somerville Memorial Fund for the Junior Players
MCF Dominion Resources Food Pantry Fund
Mid-Ohio Valley Dragon Boat Fund
Mills Family Fund for Animal Welfare
Murphy Kids & Critters Fund
Nicholas Family Fund for the Benefit of the Colony Theatre, Humane Society of the Ohio Valley, the River Cities Symphony Orchestra, and the Washington County Harvest of Hope
Paul & Evelyn King Fund for the Benefit of Fort Frye High School
Reverend Linda Steelman Memorial Fund
Richard P. Kremer Memorial Fund for the Benefit of St. Mary's Church
Richard P. Kremer Memorial Fund for the Benefit of St. Mary's School Foundation
Roy B. & Ellen E. Snediker Charitable Fund
Sandra Lee Young and Sylvia Lee Young Enterprise Fund
Skaters United of Marietta Fund
Splash Fund
Susan E. Boyer Fund for the Mid-Ohio Valley Players
Telesis Alumni Fund
The Fund for the Preservation of St. Jacob's Church
Warren Local Schools Activities Fund
Warren Local Schools Technology Fund
Washington County Angel Tree Program Fund
Washington County Public Library Foundation Fund
Young Engineers & Scientists Foundation Fund
A Donor Advised Fund is an easy and cost-effective way to support your favorite nonprofits anywhere in the country, at any time you choose. Gifts to your fund qualify for an immediate tax deduction, regardless of when you decide to recommend grants. Community Foundation staff will confirm that your recommended charities meet IRS requirements and then issue grant checks to the organizations. The donor retains an advisory capacity in recommending grants from the fund which is individually named and identified with reference to the donor(s), or donor family members.
A & E Charitable Fund
Andrew Thompson Memorial Fund
Anonymous Donor Advised Fund
Artex Oil Company Charitable Fund
Big John Wharff Athletic Fund
Bill & Kathie Hollister Charitable Fund
Binkley Charitable Fund
Bob & Marilyn Schafer Family Fund
Buell Family Donor Advised Fund
Capitolium Literary Society Fund
Charles Sulerzyski & Lisa Lindsay Charitable Fund
Charlotte Sue Fischer Charitable Fund
Chavez Family Charitable Fund
Chip & Jan Pickering Family Charitable Fund
Clare Lewis Kremer Charitable Fund
Dave & Arlene Archer Family Charitable Fund
David & Patricia B. Phillips Charitable Fund
David & Suzanne Baker Charitable Fund
David & Trina Cummings Advisory Fund
Doing Good Today, Tomorrow, Together Fund
Don & Betty Fleming Family Charitable Fund
Don & Lois Bergen Davis Memorial Fund for Kids
Dorothy A. Oyster Advised Memorial Fund
Duckworth Family Farm Charitable Fund
Dwight K. & Dorothy S. Hays Memorial Fund
Erb Family Fund
Fliehman Family Charitable Fund
Frye Dental Group Charitable Fund
George & Nancy Broughton Family Charitable Fund
Greg Schilling Memorial Fund
Halliday Family Charitable Fund
Hancock Family Charitable Fund
Harry & Mae Robinson Family Charitable Fund
Heinrich Family Charitable Fund
Helping Hands & Hearts Fund
Holmes Family Charitable Fund
Hoye-Antons Family Charitable Fund
Iaderosa/Burneisen Family Charitable Fund
Jane & Jim Watson Family Charitable Fund
Jim Christy Fund for Kids
Jim Stephens "Messing About in Boats" Fund
Jo Harman Charitable Fund
Joshua D. Beaver Memorial Fund
Joy Ray Fund
J's Charitable Resources Fund
Kay Callihan Charitable Fund
Kean Weaver Memorial Fund
Kevin & Jill Witucky Family Fund
Kiwanis Club of Marietta, Ohio Fund
Love Family Foundation Fund
Lowell Moose Lodge #2382 Fund
Marietta Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation Fund
Marietta Moose Lodge #1823 Charitable Fund
Marietta Shrine Club Charitable Fund
Marilyn Ortt Memorial Fund
Mark Boston Memorial Fund
Mary S. Broughton Charitable Fund
Medley Family Charitable Fund
Michael Kirkbride Memorial Fund
Mildred E. & Louis B. Kalter Humanitarian River Trail Maintenance Fund
Mills Family Charitable Fund
Muskingum Valley Area Chamber of Commerce Fund
Norman E. & Dorothy M. Haessly Charitable Fund
Osborne Family Charitable Fund
Parmer Family Charitable Fund
RBK Welch Family Charitable Fund
Roadcap Henry Memorial Fund
Robert "Bob" Camden Memorial Fund
Robert W. & Carol A. Chase Charitable Fund
Roland & Margaret Fredericks Charitable Fund
Ron & Brenda Padgitt Family Charitable Fund
Ronnie W. Davis Memorial Post #5108 Bingo Fund
Russell Chadwick American Legion Post 389 Fund
Rutter Family Charitable Fund
Schneeberger Family Charitable Fund
Schwendeman Family Charitable Fund
Settlers Bank Foundation Fund
Sims Family Charitable Fund
Sipe Family Charitable Fund
Solvay Marietta Charitable Fund
SOOGA Legacy Fund
Stanton W. Brock Art Discovery Fund
Tag & Dee Wetz Family Charitable Fund
Teri Ann's Charitable Fund
The Mt. Moriah 506 Order of the Eastern Star Fund
Ting Family Charitable Fund
Unroe Charitable Fund
Vandenberg Family Charitable Fund
Virginia K. Mayle & Peter Polites Family Charitable Fund
Washington County Bar Association Fund
Washington County Career Center Fund
Wesley & Theresa Nida Charitable Fund
William A. & Prudence A. Fields Charitable Fund
William H. & Elsa E. Thompson Charitable Fund
Williamstown Fund
WMOA Foundation Fund
Women's Giving Circle Fund
Wright Family Charitable Fund
A Field of Interest Fund allows donors to specify an interest area, either broadly or narrowly defined. The Foundation can make grants within the donor's interest area. Funds can be endowed, or principal may also be available for grants depending on donor intent.
Alaina Matthews Fund
Arboretum at Sacra Via Park
Bill Curran Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Fund
Bom Family Memorial Fund
Carol Schneeberger Employee Assistance Fund
Chavez Run for Charity Fund
Children's Music Programs of Washington County Fund
Dr. Jon Tipton and Paula Tipton Takacs Memorial Fund
East Muskingum Civic Association Fund for Devola
Euna Brown Fund to Aid School Children
Fordham Youth Activities Fund
Friends of Felines Fund
Hancock Rising Star Fund
Holmes Family Community Fund
Hugh Buzzard's Spread Your Wings Fund
InfluencHer Leadership Summit Fund
Jason R. Hollister Memorial Fund
Jerry and Jennylou Brock Fund for the Homeless, Hungry, and Needy
Joseph & Luada Wesel Family Foundation for Children of Washington County
Leola Booth Fund
Leroy & Carol Gutberlet Foundation Fund
Louise Holmes Cancer Fund
Marceline Mae Schneider Frontier High School STEM Education Fund
Marietta in Bloom Fund
Marietta Shrine Club Hale Trust Fund
Marietta Trail Maintenance Fund
Marilyn Meeks MHS Memorial Fund
Martin Family Veterans Fund
Michael Littler Fund for Kids
Mid-Ohio Valley Dragon Boat's Felicia M. Buell Thrivers Program
REsolve Child Development Fund
Sarah Rebecca Warren Fund
Team Bradley Fund
The Leslie Frye LIVING WITH CANCER Memorial Fund
The Tiger Fund
Timothy J. Smith Foundation for the Awareness & Prevention of Suicide
Tom & Sharon Fenton Memorial Fund
Washington County Community Hardship & Disaster Relief Program
Washington County Foster Families Foundation Fund
Washington County Fund for Parks and Recreation
Washington County Imagination Library Program
Washington County Theater Arts Fund
William E. McKinney Memorial Tree Fund
WMOA Christmas Zoo Fund
Women & Children's Hospital & Emergency Department Fund
A Scholarship Fund lets you help students realize their educational dreams, or you can support the schools and universities of your choice. You determine the criteria for the selection of scholarship recipients, and we administer the entire process of making the awards.
Anderson-Stage Scholarship Award Fund
Anna Laura Masters Memorial Scholarship Fund
Army SPC Christian D. Ward Memorial Scholarship Fund
Barbara King LeMaster Interior Design Scholarship Fund
Bee You Scholarship Fund
Bob & Dora Jean Bumgarner Scholarship Fund
Burnet County Livestock Scholarship Fund
Carol Christy Scholarship Fund
Carpe Diem Athletic and Academic Scholarship Fund
Charles D. Fogle, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles 'Wally' McAuley Memorial Scholarship
Clyde Mayle Scholarship Fund
Coach Hank Morus Athletic Scholarship Fund
Conlan Opportunity Awards Scholarship Fund
Connect To Success General Scholarship Fund
Cutler Community Scholarship Fund
David C. Barrett Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. David R. Casto Memorial "Welcome Home" Fund
Dr. Krupadev Family Scholarship Fund
Dr. Richard Hille Scholarship Fund for Medical Students
Edward Parrish Chapter Colonial Dames XVII Century Scholarship Fund
Edwin "Jack" Haas Memorial Scholarship Fund
Edwin V. Pugh Memorial Scholarship Trust
Elks #477 Charity Scholarship Fund
Faustena "Frosty" Haas Health Care Scholarship Fund
Felicia Buell Year Abroad Scholarship Fund
Frank & Grace Proctor Scholarship Fund
Frontier High School FFA Scholarship Fund
Garrett Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund
Greg Schilling Memorial Scholarship Fund
Harold & Diane Tuten Memorial Scholarship Fund
Howard & Molly (Mary Alice) Varner Scholarship Fund
J. William Morris Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jack Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund
James S. & Brenda A. Measell Scholarship Fund
Janet S. & David T. Becker Scholarship Fund for Washington County Public Library Employees
Jim Roberts Marietta Soccer League Scholarship Fund
Jolene Craig Journalism Scholarship Fund
Kevin O'Brien Kelly Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lisa Marie Wesel Memorial Scholarship Fund
Loynachan Scholarship Fund- Boys Sports Program
Loynachan Scholarship Fund- Girls Sports Program
Loynachan Scholarship Fund- Music Program
Magnum Manufacturing Scholarship Fund
Marie Adamson Senior Scholastic Award Fund
Marietta Noon Lions Club Fund
Mark C. Studenic Memorial Scholarship Fund
McKinney Memorial Scholarship Fund
Melissa Ann Weckbacher Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mt. Moriah 506 Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Myra P. Berg Scholarship Fund
Nancy A. Miller Memorial Scholarship
Ohio Society for Respiratory Care
Penelope 'Penny' J. Passavant Academic Scholarship Fund
Peoples Employee Scholarship Fund
Pete & Laura Pannier Scouting Scholarship Fund
Reverend Msgr Edward J. Kakascik Scholarship Fund
Stanton W. Brock Art Discovery Scholarship Fund
Terry Huck Memorial Scholarship Fund
Thomas C. Vadakin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Trae DeVolld Memorial Scholarship Fund
Walter J. & Marjorie G. McCarthy Child Care Enrichment & Scholarship Fund
Warren E. Offenberger Scholarship Fund
WLEA: Roberts/Flynn Memorial Scholarship Fund for Young Educators
An Unrestricted Fund is an ideal choice when you want to give where the need is the greatest at any point in time. Grants from these funds help communities and residents throughout Washington County overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and thrive. You can establish and name an endowed unrestricted fund during your lifetime or create one through an estate plan. The Community Foundation has complete discretion in grant-making.
Alma Lou Moore Memorial Fund
Arthur & Betty Buell Family Charitable Fund
Barb & Jack Moberg Charitable Fund
Betty Markell Hallock Memorial Fund
Bret & Cari Bicoy Family Fund
Broughton-Sugden Memorial Fund
Charles Hobbs Rhodes & Beulah Lee Rhodes Memorial Fund
Community Impact Fund - Arts & Culture
Community Impact Fund - Community & Economic Development
Community Impact Fund - Education & Youth Development
Community Impact Fund - Health & Human Services
Community Impact Fund - Natural Resources
Community Impact Fund - Sports & Recreation
Dale and Jean Leeper Charitable Fund
Dutch & O'Brien's Act of Kindness Fund
Florence Buchanan and John Hall McCoy, Harriett Switzer and Edward Jennings Mildren Fund
Frank and Virginia "Ginny" Amrine Memorial Fund
Glen "Pete" and Jean Thorne Memorial Fund
Harold & Janet Cranston Charitable Fund
Ida P. Zimmer Memorial Fund
J. Francis and Lillian Strecker Smith Fund
Juhola Family Charitable Fund
Karl D. & Anna Schultheis Marsch Fund
Norman J. Murray Family Charitable Fund
Operating Fund
R. Neil and Doris Christy Community Fund
Tony Popp Memorial Fund
Virginia K. Mayle & Peter Polites Family Charitable Fund- Unrestricted
Walter E. Patton Memorial Fund
Williams Family Charitable Fund
Fund Spotlight
Friends of the Foundation Fund
This operating endowment fund ensures the sustainability and effectiveness of Marietta Community Foundation's operations. By donating to this fund, you help us continue our mission of enhancing the quality of life in Washington County for generations to come.
Establish a Fund
Establishing your own named charitable fund does not require great wealth and it isn’t complicated. Plus,
You can provide ongoing support to your favorite organizations.
You can choose different nonprofit organizations each year during your lifetime.
You can make your own choices – or take advantage of our staff’s expertise – to help you address the community’s most pressing challenges.
You can distribute gifts during your lifetime or leave a lasting legacy – or both.
Click the button below to get started right away, or contact us at 740-373-3286 to guide you through the process and help you create a fund that reflects your values and passions.
Give Without Restrictions
Through the Community Impact Fund, everyone can make a lasting impact, regardless of the size of their contribution.
By pooling resources, we can achieve a collective impact that surpasses what any one person or organization can accomplish alone. The Community Impact Fund enables us to respond quickly and strategically to emerging needs, ensuring that our community remains resilient and adaptable in the face of challenges.
Community Impact Categories
These categories are designed to align with your individual preferences and philanthropic goals, allowing you to direct your unrestricted gift to the areas that matter most to you. It's your gift, your chosen impact!
Areas Of Greatest Need / Highest Priority: Truly unrestricted funding to address pressing needs and vital areas hindering Washington County.
Arts & Culture: Supporting the arts, music, theatre, dance, history, museums, festivals, and ceremonies.
Community & Economic Development: Focusing on disaster relief, civil services, talent retention, infrastructure, and civic groups.
Education & Youth Development: Empowering academic institutions, training, field trips, educational summer camps, literacy, and scholarships.
Health & Human Services: Enhancing physical health, mental health, food/nutrition, homelessness, addiction, and child welfare.
Natural Resources: Protecting animals, agriculture, wildlife conservation, environmental programs, and beautification.
Sports & Recreation: Promoting athletic teams and camps, clubs, outdoor recreational areas, and playgrounds.
A Gift Today =
A Better Tomorrow
Gifts to Marietta Community Foundation can help strengthen our community in so many ways. You may wish to support our grantmaking to nonprofits, contribute to specific charitable funds, expand philanthropy in new populations, or even support local students through scholarships. Since 1974, thousands have partnered with us to improve the quality of life in Washington County, and beyond. Thank you for your support!
Marietta Community Foundation is an Ohio not-for-profit corporation qualified as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Gifts, contributions, bequests, and foundation grants qualify the contributors for U.S. income tax deductions under IRS Code Section 170.
The National Standards seal indicates official confirmation from the Council on Foundations that we have met the most rigorous standards in philanthropy and that we have demonstrated a commitment to financial security, transparency, and accountability.