Marietta Community Foundation

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Story Time: The Huntsman Family

Photo Credit: Mason Beuhring

Our local nonprofits serve thousands of citizens and provide a multitude of services. They not only have stories themselves… they create stories for others.

As the Executive Director of the O’Neill Senior Center, Connie Huntsman has had the privilege of serving countless senior citizens, and Marietta Community Foundation has been a vital asset to her efforts.

“While the apparent value of the Foundation to local nonprofits and our community is funding, it goes deeper,” said Connie. “The Foundation reaches out into the community to identify gaps in services and works with local nonprofits to help fill those gaps. They also enable nonprofits to strengthen and grow their services to better serve the community.”

The Foundation has partnered with Connie on many projects over the years including senior feeding programs, expanding services, and facility upgrades. Partnerships like these allow the Foundation to cast a wide net and help every member of Washington County.

“Marietta Community Foundation is like a thread in a comfortable garment. Without that thread, the community would not be held together as well. It would have portions that would fray,” said Connie. “The Foundation is working in the community by enabling others to serve those in our community.”

“The O’Neill Center has grown exponentially over the past 35 years in business. Marietta Community Foundation has funded many programs and helped us build and strengthen many of the services we have in place. More than just funding, the Foundation staff has offered support and connections that help to further our mission.”

The Foundation is a resource for Connie and all other Washington County nonprofits. Their stories are ultimately our story… and our story never ends.